Unregister / Deactivate Device
If you are moving computers, first deactivate Xodo PDF Studio from your old computer before activating it on your new computer.
If you have reached the maximum number of activations allowed on your license, you need to first deactivate Xodo PDF Studio on a computer you no longer use before activating it on another computer.
Note: Internet connection is required in order to deactivate device and free up another device slot. If the computer can not be put online, contact Customer Support for help.
Unregister device activated with Xodo account login
You can unregister / deactivate a device from within the application by doing one of the following:
- Go to Help Tab and click on Log Out
- Click on the Account > Logout button on the top right of the application window.
How to Unregister License Key Activation
- Go to Help Tab > License Information
- Click on the “Unregister” button.
Deactivating a device that is inaccessible
To deactivate a device that is no longer accessible use the online device management tool on this page: