Creating Interactive PDF Forms

Xodo PDF Studio is capable of adding form fields in order to create an interactive PDF form or edit form fields in an existing PDF form.. Form fields are useful for when you have information that needs to be selected or filled out in a document. There are many different type of field options available in Xodo PDF Studio.

Form Editing Mode: Starts the form editing mode to begin creating PDF forms

Form Field Editor Toolbar: Tools available when creating and editing PDF forms

Creating Form Fields: How to create and edit form fields

Form Field Types: The available form field types and their functions

Moving & Resizing Form Fields - How to move and resize form field elements

Creating Multiple Form Field Copies - Creates multiple copies of the same field on a single page

Duplicate Form Fields -  Creates multiple copies of the same field across multiple pages

Aligning Form Fields: How to align form fields in the document

Custom Field Formatting: Setting custom formatting such as number, percentage, dates, zip codes, social security number in form fields

Adding Calculations to Form Fields: How to add number calculations to form fields

Set Field Calculation Order - Set the order in which linked field data is calculated

Form Field Validation - Set validation rules to restrict the type of data entered into the form field

Editing Field Tab Order: How to edit the order of the fields when the Tab key is pressed

Linking Form Fields: How to link fields together so that they share a value