When displaying PDFs, Xodo makes use of fonts installed on your device whenever they are not embedded in the PDF. This guide is for users who would also like Xodo to recognize custom font files (.ttf or .otf) that they have downloaded onto their device. If you are looking to enable or disable the list of available fonts for free text annotations, please check out this guide instead: https://feedback.xodo.com/support/solutions/articles/35000202839-controlling-the-list-of-available-fonts
Add custom fonts on Xodo version 7.1.3 and above
Starting from Xodo version 7.1.3 we have added a feature to add custom fonts through the settings menu, you can access this menu by opening Settings > Annotations and scroll down to the Fonts category, the option should be called Add a Custom Font
After tapping that option, you will be brought to your system picker to locate your custom font. After choosing the font you should see a toast message on the bottom indicating the import was successful or not. If successful please be reminded that the app must be cold restarted before the custom font will appear under your available list, and then after that you must enable the item under your available list before you can start using it for Free Text annotations.

Add custom fonts on Android 11 and above
Due to changes in storage permissions on Android 11, the data folder is no longer accessible on Android devices. You will need to follow the Add custom fonts on Android 10 guide below by connecting your device via USB to your desktop computer and manually moving the fonts on your computer.

Please feel free to contact support at [email protected] if you are having any troubles.
Add custom fonts on Android 10
Due to external storage permission changes in Android 10, the flow for adding custom font files has changed. If you are migrating to Android 10, you can migrate your font files by moving them to /Android/data/com.xodo.pdf.reader/files/Download/Xodo/ . For adding new font files, please following these instructions:
1. First, please update to the latest version of Xodo
2. If you have not opened Xodo yet, please open the app and provide the necessary storage permissions.
3. Then download a font of your choice. Xodo will only recognize True Type Font (.ttf) or OpenType Font (.otf) font files.
4. Using a file management app of your choice, place your font files in the internal storage folder /Android/data/com.xodo.pdf.reader/files/Download/Xodo . If the Xodo folder does not exist, create it. Please note that files in this folder will be deleted if you uninstall Xodo.

The internal storage folder may be hidden in the Android File browser so make sure to select "Show internal storage" in the menu as shown below:

4. Then restart Xodo and enable your font in the list of available fonts by following this guide: http://feedback.xodo.com/knowledgebase/articles/826008-controlling-the-list-of-available-fonts .
5. Xodo will use this font for substituting fonts within the document (when the font is not embedded in the PDF) and within free text annotations. To check if Xodo is recognizing your font file, create a free text annotation and change the font of the text annotation to the font you just added. Check out this guide for steps on how to change the font of a text annotation: https://feedback.xodo.com/support/solutions/articles/35000202837-changing-the-font-of-a-text-annotation
Add custom fonts on Android Pie (9.0) and Lower
1. First, please update to the latest version of Xodo
2. If you have not opened Xodo yet, please open the app and provide the necessary storage permissions.
3. Download a font of your choice. Xodo will only recognize True Type Font (.ttf) or OpenType Font (.otf) font files.
4. Using a file management app of your choice, place your font files in the following internal storage folder depending on your Android version:
- Android version 9.0 (Pie) or Lower: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Xodo/ (also sometimes called: Internal storage/Download/Xodo).
5. Then restart Xodo and enable your font in the list of available fonts by following this guide: https://feedback.xodo.com/support/solutions/articles/35000202839-controlling-the-list-of-available-fonts .
6. Xodo will use this font for substituting fonts within the document (when the font is not embedded in the PDF) and within free text annotations. To check if Xodo is recognizing your font file, create a free text annotation and change the font of the text annotation to the font you just added. Check out this guide for steps on how to change the font of a text annotation: http://feedback.xodo.com/knowledgebase/articles/826002-changing-the-font-of-a-text-annotation
Please feel free to contact support at [email protected] if you are having any troubles.