The Xodo PDF Studio User Home Folder is where user preferences and settings for the applicated are stored for a user.

You can see the current user home folder in Xodo PDF Studio log file. Go under the Help Tab > About. This will display the About dialog. Click on “View Log File: pdfstudio.log” to open Xodo PDF Studio log file. Look for the entry in the log following the label “User Settings Directory”.

To change Xodo PDF Studio user home folder:

  1. Add the following line under the xodopdfstudio.vmoptions under the Xodo PDF Studio installation folder (C:\Program Files\Apryse Software\Xodo PDF Studio). This works when there’s only one user on the machine using PDF Studio.-Duser.home=C:/Users/MyUser/MyFolder
  2. Change the “user.home” property for the user that is logged in for all Java applications by running this command:set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Duser.home=C:/Users/MyUser/MyFolder

To make sure the user home folder was changed correctly, exit Xodo PDF Studio and relaunch the application.  Open Xodo PDF Studio log file (following the instructions above) and verify that the new path is reflected correctly.