Recent Comments

Recently used annotations are listed in the Recent Comments section of the My Comments Tool Chest. Annotations that are added to a document or modified on a document will automatically be added to this list. This list keeps the 30 most recently used annotations.

Saving Recent Comments

To permanently keep an item from the Recent Comments list, right-click (Mac: Ctrl+click) the annotation in the Recent Comments list and select Save Comment from the context menu.

Using Saved Comments

To add a Recent annotation to a document, click the annotation in Recent Comments, and then click the location on the document to place the annotation. Once placed the annotation can be edited as normal.

Managing Recent Comments

Recent comments can be reordered, deleted, or resized.

  • To reorder, select one or more comments and drag to the desired location.
  • To delete, select one or more comments and press Delete, or right-click and select Remove.
  • To resize, select the down arrow next to My Comments and choose Small, Medium (default), or Large.