Xodo PDF Studio Installation Instructions

Follow the instructions below to install Xodo PDF Studio based on your specific operating system.

NOTE: It is recommended that the installer is located on the actual machine rather than a mapped / shared drive. 

Windows Instructions:

  • Instructions
    • After downloading, double-click XodoPDFStudio_win64.exe.

Mac OS X Instructions:

  • Instructions
    • Double click on the installation file Xodo PDFStudio_mac64.dmg to mount the disk image, then double click on the mounted image
    • Finally double click on the installer Xodo PDF Studio Installer.

Linux Instructions:

  • Instructions
    After downloading the installer, open a Terminal window and type the following two commands:
    • "cd Downloads" or replace "Downloads" with the directory where you downloaded the installer
    • sh ./XodoPDFStudio_linux64.sh.
    • This will start the installer.

Other Unix Instructions: AIX, Solaris, HP-UX

  • Instructions
    • After downloading the installer, open a shell and, cd to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
    • At the prompt type: sh ./XodoPDFStudio_unix.sh. This will start the installer.