Importing PDF as Layer

Xodo PDF Studio allows you to import a separate PDF as a new layer into an existing PDF. This is useful if you want to merge several documents on top of one another.


How to Import PDF as a layer

  1. Access the layers pane by clicking the Layers button on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on the Import PDF as Layer button in the top of the layers pane
  3. Select the PDF file you wish to import as the new layer
  4. Set the options for the new layer
  5. Once complete, click OK to create the new layer

Import PDF as Layer Options

Source Pages

Page Range - The range of pages to be cropped

  • All Pages: all pages in the document
  • Page Range: set the pages to be cropped using the From and To options
  • Even Pages Only: only crops the even pages
  • Odd Pages Only: only crops the odd pages

Import Options

Layer - The layer to import the PDF document into. Select <New Layer> to create a new layer

Layer Name - The name of the layer the document will be imported to. If <New Layer> is selected you will need to enter a name for the new layer

Starting at Page - The page within the current document to begin adding the layers

Show on Print - Whether or not the layer will be displayed when the document is printed.

Insert - Choose to insert the layer on top of or behind the current page content