Importing PDF as Layer
Xodo PDF Studio allows you to import a separate PDF as a new layer into an existing PDF. This is useful if you want to merge several documents on top of one another.
How to Import PDF as a layer
- Access the layers pane by clicking the
Layers button on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the
Import PDF as Layer button in the top of the layers pane
- Select the PDF file you wish to import as the new layer
- Set the options for the new layer
- Once complete, click OK to create the new layer
Import PDF as Layer Options
Source Pages
Page Range - The range of pages to be cropped
- All Pages: all pages in the document
- Page Range: set the pages to be cropped using the From and To options
- Even Pages Only: only crops the even pages
- Odd Pages Only: only crops the odd pages
Import Options
Layer - The layer to import the PDF document into. Select <New Layer> to create a new layer
Layer Name - The name of the layer the document will be imported to. If <New Layer> is selected you will need to enter a name for the new layer
Starting at Page - The page within the current document to begin adding the layers
Show on Print - Whether or not the layer will be displayed when the document is printed.
Insert - Choose to insert the layer on top of or behind the current page content