Getting Started with Xodo PDF Studio

To start using Xodo PDF Studio, simply launch the application and open a PDF document using the Welcome Screen, by going to File Tab > Open, or the using Open button on the toolbar. Once a document is loaded, you can being navigating, editing, printing, or saving the document as you wish.


File Tab

  • Create - Create PDF provides you with quick access to many of the PDF creation functions available throughout Xodo PDF Studio. Simply click on the function you wish to use to launch the tool.
  • Open - Access recently opened documents and open files from your computer or cloud drives including Xodo Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox & OneDrive. Session manager allowing you to reopen last used or saved sessions
  • Properties - Opens the Document Properties of the current open document
  • Save - Save the current document. This button will be disabled if no changes have been made to the document.
  • Save As - Save the current document as a new file to your computer or cloud drives including Google Drive, Dropbox & OneDrive.
  • Save All - Saves all documents with changes. This button will be disabled if no changes have been made to the document.
  • Action Wizard - Create and start document actions that can be used to run multiple tools on one or multiple sets of files
  • Reduce File Size - Launches the PDF Optimizer to create an optimized version of the document and reduce the file size.
  • Email - Attaches the current document to an email using the email application set within Email Preferences.
  • Print - Prints the current document using the Xodo PDF Studio printer dialog. To use the system print dialog see Print Preferences.
  • Print All - Prints all currently open documents using the Xodo PDF Studio printer dialog.
  • Revert/Reload - Closes and reopens the currently reopened document to it's last saved state
  • Close - Closes the currently open document
  • Close All - Closes all documents currently open in Xodo PDF Studio
  • Preferences - Opens Xodo PDF Studio Preferences. Can also be accessed using Ctrl + K shortcut keys
  • Exit - Closes all currently open document and shuts down Xodo PDF Studio

Top Toolbar

The main Toolbar is located at the top of the Xodo PDF Studio window. Use the ribbon tabs to navigate between each set of tools available in Xodo PDF Studio. The Office Style Ribbon Toolbar is the default layout and where you will find all of the functions in Xodo PDF Studio. If you wish, you can switch to the Classic Toolbar in Toolbar Preferences.

Document View Area

The main center frame is used to display documents. By default documents are displayed using the tabbed interface to view multiple PDFs at once. Each new PDF that is opened will open in a in the same application frame only in a new tab. The tab names display the name of the PDF document opened in that tab and you can switch between the tabs by clicking the name of the file you wish to view.

To disable the tabbed document view go to General Preferences.

Welcome Screen

The Welcome Screen is located in the main frame of Xodo PDF Studio and is only displayed when no document is currently open. The welcome screen allows you to quickly open recent new files, create PDFs from various sources, or access the user guide and knowledge base.


Panes are where you will find additional tools or information on the current document. These pane can be resized by clicking and dragging the edge of the pane. Pane can also be completed closed by either clicking the "x" on the top right of the pane or using the toggle buttons on the left of the Xodo PDF Studio window.

Details of each of the panels are listed below.

Left Pane

The left pane can show one of four different views. The views can be toggled by their respective buttons on the left side of the screen, or from the View menu. The following views are available:

Pages – view miniature versions of all the pages in the documents. Click a thumbnail to go to that page.  Thumbnails can be dragged and dropped within a document to move pages, or across documents to copy pages into another document. You can also drag supported file types to the thumbnail pane to add them as PDF Pages.

Bookmarks – view bookmarks or the document's table of contents, if present. Bookmarks allow navigation through bookmarked regions.

Destinations - view, create, manage PDF Destinations

Attachments - view files that have been attached to the PDF document, if any. Attached files can be viewed, saved, or deleted.

Layers – view PDF Layers contained in the document, if any. You can toggle layers by checking them on or off.

Signatures – view digital signatures that have been applied to the document

Permissions - view document security that has been applied to the document

Content - content explorer provides a list of the content objects that make up the internal structure of the PDF

Tags - view, create, manage PDF Document Tags

Right Pane

Comments - shows any comments / annotations in the document. Navigate to a specific comment by selecting it in the list.

My Comments Toolchest - shows frequently used and saved comments. Click on any of the comments to quickly reuse a previous or saved annotation with just a single click.


Bottom Toolbar

The bottom toolbar contains basic document information as well as the navigation and page view options for the document.

Page Information

Page Size: The size of the current page in view

Cursor Coordinates: The current X & Y location on the page of the cursor using the units set in Preferences


First Page: Navigates to the first page of the document.

Previous Page: Navigates to the previous page in the document.

Page Number: Displays the current page being viewed and the total number of pages. Type a number into the field and press "Enter" to navigate directly to that page. Documents using Page Labels will require the exact page label to be entered (i.e. iv, v, etc...)

Next Page: Navigates to the next page in the document.

Last Page: Navigates to the Last page in the document.

Previous View: Navigates to the last view within the document.

Next View: Navigates to the next view within the document.

Page Fit

Single: Displays only a single individual page at a time

Single Continuous: Displays all of the document's pages in a single column that can be continuously scrolled

Facing: Displays only two pages at a time side by side with odd pages on the left and even pages on the right

Facing Continuous: Displays all of the documents pages in two columns with odd pages on the left and even pages on the right

Zoom Out: Zoom out to view the content smaller.

Zoom To/Current Zoom: Displays the current zoom value. You can also select a preset zoom percentage or type in the field for a custom zoom value.

Zoom In: Zoom in to view the content larger.