Fix Scan
The fix scan tool allows you to perform various repair functions on scanned documents. This is useful if you do not have access to the original document or scanner to rescan and fix alignment or size issues.
The options include:
- OCR - Add searchable text to the pages
- Optimize - Reduce the file size of the document
- Image Processing - Options to improve image quality including deskew, reduce noise & despeckle
How to Fix a Scanned PDF document
- On the toolbar go to Document Tab >
Fix Scan
- This will display the Fix Scan dialog
- Select an existing profile or the settings that you wish to use to fix the scan
- Once complete click on Apply. This will prompt you for a location to save the document
- Note: If the document is protected or locked you will not be able to fix the document until it is unlocked.
- Once you have set the save location for your document and click save Xodo PDF Studio will begin fixing the scan with the settings chosen and save it to the location you chose.
- After the process is complete the new file will automatically be opened so that you can review the results.
Fix Scan Options
Xodo PDF Studio comes with 2 default profiles for fixing scans. Custom profiles can be created to fit specific needs and can be saved to be reused later without having to re-enter settings.
Defaults Profiles Included:
- Current page - Performs all fix scan functions on the current page
- Entire Document - Performs all fix scan functions on the entire document
All Pages: all pages in the document
Current Page: the current page being displayed
Pages: set custom range of pages if needed using values separated by commas. For example, to set only pages 2 to 4 & 6 to 12 & 20 of a 30 page document enter “2-4, 6-12, 20″. Documents using Page Labels will require the exact page label to be entered (i.e. iv, v, etc...)
OCR Options
OCR - Create Searchable PDF - Check this to create text searchable text within the document
Language - Language to be used if OCR is selected. Click on "Download OCR Languages" to download additional languages.
Profile - Click on the drop down choose the Optimizer Profile to be used
Add - Use Add to create a new profile to be used for this batch process
Edit - Click edit to modify the currently selected profile in the drop down
Auto deskew images - When checked, if the document’s text/images are slanting too far in one direction or is misaligned, Xodo PDF Studio will attempt to auto-rotate the document so that the alignment is corrected.
Reduce Noise - This filter reduces light noise in an image. It tries to move each pixel closer in value to its neighbors. As it only has a small effect, you may need to apply it several times. This is good for removing small levels of noise from an image but does give the image some fuzziness.
Despeckle - This filter smooths areas in which noise is noticeable while leaving complex areas untouched. The effect is that grain or other noise is reduced without severely affecting edges.