Exporting Form Data

Form data can be exported from the current document into a file in FDF, XFDF, XDP, CSV or XML formats. Form field data from all Form Field Types will be exported during this process.

Forms can be exported in the following formats

FDF: File format created by Adobe that is supported by most PDF applications

XFDF: Extended FDF file format created by Adobe that is supported by most PDF applications

XDP: An XML Data package created by Adobe that is supported by most PDF applications

CSV: A plain text file containing a list of data separated by commas

XML: File that use custom tags to describe the structure and other features of the document.

Text: Plain text file that exports all form data in tab separated format


How to Export Form Data

  1. From the menu, choose Forms Tab > Export Forms
  2. Select whether to export in FDF, XFDF, XDP, or CSV XML format. This will display a save dialog.
  3. Select the location and name of the file to export to and click Save