Editing Text Content
The Edit PDF Content tool is capable of editing the raw strings of text stored in the PDF content. Text can be moved, edited, deleted, or redacted using the content editing tool. This advanced option is useful when needing to make only minor edits or as a fallback when the Edit Text & Images Mode is unable to correctly detect paragraphs.
Note: Not all text displayed in a PDF is considered text content. In some cases the text may actually be an image or even path objects. Text content that is either a path or image will not function the same and have limited editing abilities.
How to Edit Text Content
- Activate the tool by clicking on the
Edit Content button on the Document Tab making sure the "Text" option is selected in the
drop down arrow.
- Then click or drag an area with the mouse to select the desired text content. Once selected, content can be edited, moved or deleted following the instructions below.
- Note: Selecting multiple pieces of content will let you update the properties for all pieces at once
- Once complete, to exit Content Editing mode, simply click on the hand tool
or Esc on the keyboard
Move or Edit Properties
Move or Edit the text by doing the following
- Move: Click on the text and drag it to its new location on the page.
- Edit: To access the Text properties, right click (Mac: Ctrl + Click) and choose Properties in the mouse menu or double click on the selected text.
Text Content Properties
Text Content contains the following property settings:
Font – choose a new font for the selected text from the list
Note: When choosing a font only fonts that are embedded in the document can be selected. In addition, if the font is subset not all of the font characters may be available and may show up as either an incorrect or missing character when editing the text.
Text Color – change the color of the text
Outline Color – add or adjust the outline of the text
Text Size – edit the font size
Outline Width – increase or decrease the width of the outline
Character Spacing – increase the space between each letter
Horizontal Scaling – increase or decrease the spacing between each letter
Word Spacing – increase the space between each word
Baseline Offset – move line of text above or below the surrounding text; create super- or sub-scripts
Text – change the wording of the text
Cut, Copy, & Paste Text Content
Cut or Copy text by doing the following
- Cut: Cut the Text by using the shortcut key Ctrl + X (Mac: ⌘ + X) or right-click on the text ( Ctrl + Click on Mac) and choose Cut in the context menu.
- Copy: Copy the Text by using the shortcut key Ctrl + C (Mac: ⌘ + C) or right-click on the text ( Ctrl + Click on Mac) and choose Copy in the context menu.
- Paste: Navigate to the location you wish to paste the text and use the shortcut key Ctrl + V (Mac: ⌘ + V) or right click (Mac: Ctrl + Click) and select Paste in the context menu
Remove Text Content
Delete or Redact text by doing the following
- Delete: Delete the Text by pressing the Del key or right-click on the text ( Ctrl + Click on Mac) and choose Delete in the context menu.
- Redact: Redact the Text by right-click on the text ( Ctrl + Click on Mac) and choose Redact Text in the context menu.
Note: The Redact option in Content editing functions exactly the same as using the PDF Redaction and will completely remove the selected text and replace it with a black bar.