Digital Signature Options

When applying a digital signature the following options are available to change either the appearance, signature type, or signature information. These settings are not saved and have to be set each time a signature is applied.


Digital ID

Digital ID - The digital ID combo will list all digital IDs saved in Xodo PDF Studio or available in your OS certificate store.  A new digital ID can be added by selecting the New Digital ID... option in the list. See Create a New Digital ID or Import A Digital ID for more information.

Password - The password for the selected digital ID. You must enter the correct password in order to be able to digitally sign the document

Timestamp Server - Allows you to select a timestamp server to be used when signing. See Managing Timestamp Servers for more information

Details - Allows you to see the specific details for the selected digital ID


This section will display a preview of the digital signature as it will display on the document once applied. A different appearance can be selected from the drop down. Choose "Create New Appearance..." to create a new custom appearance. See Digital Signature Appearance for more information

Signature Type:

Select the type of signature to be applied to the when signing

Signature - A digital signature contains encrypted information that is unique to the signer so it cannot be forged. The signer’s certificate or issuing third-party Certificate Authority will need to be trusted by the user receiving the PDF in order for the signature to be considered valid. Once signed, if the document is modified in any way the signature will no longer be considered valid.

Certifying Signature - A certified signature provides additional document security options to prevent the document from being modified. When choosing certifying signature, a combo box will show, allowing to specify which changes are permitted on the certified document.

  • Disallow Changes: Does not allow any further changes to the document once signed
  • Allow Form fill and Signatures: Allows users to fill forms and complete signatures once signed
  • Allow Form fill, Signatures, and Comments: Allows users to fill forms, complete signatures, and add comments to the document once signed

Signature Information:

This section allows you to add additional details to the signature if needed. This information will not be displayed in the appearance but will be listed with the signature details

Reason - Select a reason the document was signed from the list from the below options

  • I approve this document
  • I am the author of this document
  • I have reviewed this document
  • I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document
  • I agree to the terms defined by this document

Location - Enter additional location details

Contact Info - Enter additional contact information for the signature