Creating a Watermark

Xodo PDF Studio can add custom watermarks to a PDF. This can be used to add either a company logo or a label such as "Confidential" to pages within the document.


How to Create and Apply Watermarks

  1. Open the document that you would like to add a watermark to
    • Note: This is not a required step if you only wish to create a watermark profile without applying it immediately.
  2. Go to Pages Tab > Watermark > Add
  3. Fill in the desired Watermark Options. A name for a Watermark Profile can also be set during this step to save the settings to be reused later.
    • Note: You do not need to create or save a watermark profile before applying them to a document. To save the current watermark configuration, click on the Save button and enter a name.
  4. To apply the watermark to the document, click on Apply