Xodo PDF Studio Classic Toolbar

The Office Style Ribbon Toolbar is the default layout and where you will find all of the functions in Xodo PDF Studio. If you wish, you can switch to the Classic Toolbar in Toolbar Preferences. The Classic Toolbar is where you will find all of the most commonly used functions in Xodo PDF Studio and the remaining features can be found in the top menus.

Drag and Drop

To rearrange the tools on the toolbar using drag and drop, click on the divider line to the left of the tool group you wish to move, and then drag and drop it into new position. You can move any of the tool groups to any location on the toolbar. A third row can be created by dragging a tool group below the second row to create a third row.

You can also create a bottom toolbar by dragging the tools and dropping them on the bottom of the Xodo PDF Studio window

Toolbar Preferences

You can access the Toolbar Preferences dialog using either of the following methods:

  • Right click on a blank space on the Toolbar and select “Customize Toolbar” option.
  • Go to Edit > Preferences and select Toolbars.

Floating Tools

Tools can also be floated in other locations for easier access. To float any of the tools from the toolbar click on the divider line to the left of the tool group you wish to float and drag your toolbar out of the toolbar section and then drop it into new position not on the top or bottom toolbar to leave it floating. To return it back to the toolbar either drag it back to a location on the toolbar or click the “X” button and it will return to its last location on the toolbar.

Reset Toolbar

To reset the toolbar back to the installation defaults right click a blank space on the toolbar section and select “Reset Toolbars” option. (Note: This cannot be undone)

Classic Toolbar Descriptions


Open : Open a PDF document or convert any of the supported file types to a PDF. Click on the down arrow to choose a document from the Recent File History to open.

Save: Save the current document. This button will be disabled if no changes have been made to the document.

Print: Prints the current document using the Xodo PDF Studio printer dialog. To use the system print dialog see Print Preferences.

Email PDF: Attaches the current document to an email using the email application set within Email Preferences.

Scan to PDF: Creates a PDF from a scanner using either of the 2 available scanning dialogs. The last used option will be the default. Click on the down arrow to choose between the available scanner dialogs. (Note: Windows and Mac 64-bit installers will always use WIA/OCA and Linux will always use Sane for scanning)

  • Scan with Twain: Scans using the default system print dialog.
  • Scan with WIA/ICA: Scans using the Xodo PDF Studio dialog.


First Page: Navigates to the first page of the document.

Previous Page: Navigates to the previous page in the document.

Page Number: Displays the current page being viewed and the total number of pages. Type a number into the field and press "Enter" to navigate directly to that page. Documents using Page Labels will require the exact page label to be entered (i.e. iv, v, etc...)

Next Page: Navigates to the next page in the document.

Last Page: Navigates to the Last page in the document.

Previous View: Navigates to the last view within the document.

Next View: Navigates to the next view within the document.

Page Fit

Actual Size: Displays the document with a 1:1 ratio to match how the document would look if printed without any scaling.

Fit to Width: Scales the view to fit the width of the document in the Xodo PDF Studio frame.

Fit to Page: Scales the view to fit the entire  document within the Xodo PDF Studio frame.

View Rotation

Rotate View Clockwise: Rotates only the view within the document clockwise (Note: This rotation will NOT be saved when the document is saved then reopened).

Rotate View Counter Clockwise: Rotates only the view within the document counter clockwise (Note: This rotation will NOT be saved when the document is saved then reopened).


Zoom Out: Zoom out to view the content smaller.

Zoom To/Current Zoom: Displays the current zoom value. You can also select a preset zoom percentage or type in the field for a custom zoom value.

Zoom In: Zoom in to view the content larger.

Zoom Tool: Zooms to a selected area within a page. Click and drag to select the rectangle area you wish to zoom to.

Loupe Tool: Displays a zoom window that zooms in on the PDF to show the smallest detail.

Pan and Zoom: A window showing the portion of the page currently on screen. Drag the red box to adjust the view of the document.


Edit Content: Allows you to Edit Content within the PDF.

Mark for Redaction: Marks content for Redaction.

Crop Pages: Allows you to Crop the PDF pages(s).

Sign Document: Allows you to Digitally Sign the current PDF.


Drag and Scroll Page: Click and drag to scroll or move the pages.

Select Text: Click and drag to select text within the document.

Edit Interactive Objects: Used to edit interactive objects within the PDF.

Take Snapshot: Used to save a portion of the screen as an image.

Advanced Search: Used to search the text of a PDF document.

Text Comments

Sticky Note: Creates a sticky note annotation.

Typewriter: Creates a typewriter annotation.

Text Box: Creates a text box annotation.

Callout: Creates a callout annotation.

Shape Comments

Circle: Creates a circle annotation.

Arrow: Creates an arrow annotation.

Line: Creates a line annotation.

Square: Creates a square annotation.

Pencil: Creates a pencil annotation.

Polygon: Creates a polygon annotation.

Cloud: Creates a cloud annotation.

Polyline: Creates a polyline annotation.

Text Markups

Highlight Text: Used to highlight text on a document.

Crossout Text: Used to cross out text on a document.

Underline Text: Used to underline text on a document.

Squiggly Underline Text: Used to squiggly underline text on a document.

Insert Text: Adds an insert text markup on the document.

Replace Text: Adds a replace text markup on the selected text.

Area Highlight: Highlights an area on a document. Useful when trying to highlight scanned text.

Rubber Stamps

Rubber Stamp: Used to place a rubber stamp on the document. Click directly on the button to reuse the last used stamp or click on the down arrow to select another stamp or choose between the following rubber stamp options.

Standard: Standardized stamps included with Xodo PDF Studio such as: Approved, Not Approved, Draft, etc...

Dynamic: Standardized stamps that also include a time and date that will automatically be set once placed.

Sign Here: Standardized signature stamps included with Xodo PDF Studio such as: Sign Here, Initial Here, Witness, etc...

Create New: Choose from the below options to create a stamp

  • Create Text Stamp: Create a custom text stamp that will be added to the rubber stamps list.
  • Create Image Stamp: Create a custom image stamp that will be added to the rubber stamps list.
  • Create PDF Stamp: Create a custom stamp from a PDF that will be added to the rubber stamp list
  • Create Custom Stamp: Create a custom stamp that will be added to the rubber stamps list.

Manage Stamps: Opens the rubber stamps manager to create/edit/delete rubber stamps.


Sound: Adds a sound annotation attachment to the document.

Image: Adds an image as a rubber stamp annotation to the document.

Link: Used to create links in a document.

Attach File: Attaches a file to the PDF without an annotation.

Attach File as Comment: Attaches a file to the document with an annotation.


Distance: Used to measure the distance between two points on the document.

Perimeter: Used to measure the perimeter on the document using multiple lines.

Area: Used to measure a designated area on the document.


Align Left: Aligns the selected objects to the left.

Align Center: Aligns the selected objects to the center.

Align Right: Aligns the selected objects to the right.

Align Top: Aligns the selected objects to the top.

Align Middle: Aligns the selected objects to the middle.

Align Bottom: Aligns the selected objects to the bottom.

Distribute Horizontally: Evenly distributes the selected objects horizontally.

Distribute Vertically: Evenly distributes the selected objects vertically.

Align Width: Aligns the width of the selected objects.

Align Height: Aligns the height of the selected objects.

Align Both: Aligns both the width and the height of the selected objects.

Properties - Appearance

Fill Color: Allows you to select the fill color of the selected objects.

Border Color: Allows you to select the border color for the selected objects.

Line Width: Sets the border line width for the selected objects.

Transparency: Sets the transparency for the selected objects.

Properties - Text

Font: Sets the font for the selected annotation.

Size: Sets the font size for the selected annotation.

Text Color: Sets the font color for the selected annotation.

Bold: Makes the selected annotation or text Bold.

Italic: Makes the selected annotation or text Italic.

Underline: Makes the selected annotation or text underlined

Strikethrough: Marks the selected annotation or text with a strikethrough

Horizontal Alignment: Sets the text alignment for the selected annotation.

Touch Mode

Touch Mode: Enables/Disables Touch mode


Divider: separates each of the toolbar sections

Grouped Button/Options: used in one of the following

  • choose between different options for the tool it is attached to
  • to select other tools when toolbars are grouped (see Grouped Buttons in Toolbar Preferences)