Batch Processing

Batch processing is a simple, fast way to modify multiple documents at once. A batch process is configured by Selecting Batch Files, Configuring Batch Output, Setting Open Passwords, and configuring the job specific options:


Action Wizard

Create and start document actions that can be used to run multiple tools on one or multiple sets of files

Run Action - Click on the drop down to run a previously created actions

Create New Action - Create and save new custom actions

Manage Action - View and manage existing actions


Batch Delete All Comments: Deletes all comments and annotations from a batch of PDFs

Batch Export All Comments: Exports all comments to the specified format

Batch Flatten All Comments: Flattens all comments and annotations from a batch of PDFs


Batch Merge Documents: Merge a batch of PDFs to a single document

Batch OCR Documents: OCR a batch of PDFs to add searchable text

Batch Optimize: Optimize a batch of PDFs to reduce the file size

Batch Preflight: Verify document compliance using various PDF standards for a batch of PDFs

Batch Set Initial View: Set the initial view settings for a batch of PDFs


Batch Crop Pages: Crop a batch of PDFs

Batch Delete Pages: Deletes a selected page range from each of the PDFs in the batch

Batch Apply Header and Footer: Add a header and/or footer to a batch of PDFs

Batch Resize Pages: Change the document page size of PDFs

Batch Rotate Pages: Rotates all pages within a batch of PDFs

Batch Apply Watermark: Add a watermark to a batch of PDFs

Batch Print: Print a batch of PDFs

Batch Split Documents: Split a batch of documents

Convert To

Batch Convert to HTML5 / SVG: Convert a batch of PDFs to HTML5 / SVG files

Batch Extract Pages as Images: Convert the pages from a batch of PDFs to images

Batch Rasterize PDF: Re-creates the document using images of the pages instead of vector commands.

Batch Convert Files to PDF: Convert a batch of Supported Files to PDF

Batch Convert to PDF/A: Convert a batch of PDFs to PDF/A

Batch Convert to PDF/X: Convert a batch of PDFs to PDF/X

Batch Extract Text from PDF: Extract text from a batch of PDFs


Batch Export Forms: Export form field data from a batch of PDFs

Batch Flatten All Fields: Flattens all fields from a batch of PDFs

Batch Reset Fields: Resets the field values from a batch of PDFs


Batch Set Security: Set the security settings for a batch of PDFs

Batch Sign: Add a digital signature to a batch of PDFs