Advanced Document Properties

The Advanced tab allows you to set additional options for the document. These include reading options such as binding and language for user accessibility needs. Setting the document language in a PDF enables some screen readers to switch to the appropriate language.



How to View/Edit the Advanced Document Settings

  1. Go to File Tab > Properties or using the shortcut keys Ctrl + D (⌘ + D on Mac).
  2. Click on the Advanced Tab
  3. Select the settings you wish to use
  4. Click OK to apply the changes
  5. Save the document to save the new Advanced Document settings


Binding - Sets the order to display the pages in Facing or Cover view modes.

  • Left Edge: For documents that read from Left to Right (i.e. English, French, etc...)
  • Right Edge: For documents that read from Right to Left (Arabic, Hebrew, etc...)

Note: This does not affect page order in the thumbnails pane.

Language - Sets the language for the entire documents. See Tagging PDFs for details on setting the language for specific text within the document.

Note: If the language doesn't appear in the drop-down list, you can enter the ISO 639 code for the language in the Language field.