Depending upon where you purchased your Xodo subscription:
- To cancel a Xodo Android/Google Play subscription: Google Play Store Cancellation
- To cancel a Xodo iOS/Apple App Store subscription (iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes, Mac): Apple Cancellation
- To cancel a Xodo Windows/Microsoft Store subscription: Microsoft Store Cancellation
- To Cancel a Xodo Web/ subscription: Login and select account settings at, then select Billing
What forms of payment do you accept?
You can sign up for Xodo Subscription using Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
What if I decide to cancel?
If you no longer wish to use Xodo Subscription, you may cancel at any time. If you cancel your plan before the next renewal cycle, you will retain access to the paid features of Xodo Subscription until the end of your subscription period. When your subscription expires, you will lose access to paid features.
What is your refund policy?
We do not offer refunds but you can cancel at anytime. If you cancel your plan before the next renewal cycle, you will retain access to the paid features of Xodo Subscription until the end of your subscription period. When your subscription expires, you will lose access to paid features.