There are several ways to jump to a page in Xodo: by page number, by outline, by bookmark, or by using the thumbnail slider.
Method 1: By page number
1. Tap the page number display on the side of the document viewer. If you don't see the page number display, double tap the center of your screen to bring it up.
2. In the Go To Page dialog, type in the number of the page you want to navigate to and tap OK.
Method 2: By outline
If your document contains a table of contents, you can jump to specific chapters and sections using the Outline view.
1. Tap the Bookmark icon on the bottom navigation bar. If you don't see the navigation bar, tap the center of your screen to bring it up.


3. Tap the chapter or section you want to navigate to.
Method 3: By bookmark
If you've added bookmarks to certain pages, you can jump to these pages from the Bookmarks view.
1. Tap the

2. Under BOOKMARKS, tap the bookmark you want to navigate to.

Method 4: Using the thumbnail slider
1. Hold and drag on the thumbnail slider on the side of the document viewer. If you don't see the thumbnail slider, double tap the center of the screen to bring it up.

2. Release the thumbnail slider on the page you want to navigate to.