There are three ways to jump to a page: by bookmark, using the thumbnail browser, or by thumbnail.

Method 1: By bookmark

1. Tap theBookmark icon on the Action Bar. If you don't see the Action Bar, tap the center of your screen to bring it up.

2. Tap the chapter or section you want to navigate to.

Method 2: Using the thumbnail slider

1. Hold and drag on the thumbnail slider on the bottom of the document viewer. The grey square shows which page you will navigate to. A thumbnail preview of each page and its page number appears above the thumbnail slider. If you don't see the thumbnail slider, tap the center of the screen to bring it up.

2. Release the thumbnail slider on the page you want to navigate to.

Method 3: By thumbnail

1. Tap the View Mode icon on the action bar:

If you don't see the Action Bar, tap the center of your screen to bring it up.

2. Tap Thumbnails.

3. Tap the page you want to navigate to.