Here you'll find an overview of some toolbars, icons, and other elements of Xodo that you will be interacting with.
Main Screen

You can access these options by tapping in the center of the screen while viewing a document.
Number | Name | Description |
1 | Action Bar | Displays various options for navigating through the app and changing viewer controls.
Menu Option: Quick access to documents, settings, help and feedback -
Toolbar Switcher: Displays the Toolbar Switcher dialog, a list of toolbar options to choose from. Tabs: Opens a list of previously opened documents. The old version of tabs can be displayed below the toolbar by going to settings and enabling Show Tab Bar. Overflow: Access options to change theme, view mode, share, edit pages, save a copy, print, export to, add to favourites, add to home screen and open file.
2 | Toolbar | Displays a scrollable list of annotation tools which will change depending on the selected toolbar option from the Toolbar Switcher. In the above example the Annotate Toolbar is selected. On the right side of the toolbar there is an Undo and Redo button. The Redo button can be accessed by long pressing the Undo icon. |
3 | Bottom Bar | Displays various options for viewing the document. Bookmark: View and add bookmarks, view the document's outline, and view and edit a list of all annotations. Search: Search for a word or phrase in the current document. Reading Mode: Reading Mode makes the document more flexible and easier to read, especially on small devices. Thumbnails: View pages in thumbnails grid. Add/duplicate/remove/re-arrange pages, change page rotation and export pages to a different file.

Number | Name | Description |
4 | Toolbar Switcher | Tap to display the list of toolbar options |
5 | Toolbar Switcher Dialog | Displays a list of toolbars to choose from - View: Hides the toolbar and displays more of the document.
- Annotate: Used for highlighting, underlining, adding notes and free text.
- Draw: Useful when drawing ink or shapes, such as square, arrow and cloud
- Fill and Sign: Useful for signing and completing forms and various documents.
- Prepare Form: Can be used to build a document by adding signature fields, check boxes, radio buttons, text fields and lists
- Insert: Add images, pages, stamps, signatures, links, record sounds and add attachments to your document
- Measure: Measure distances, select multiple items, draw with precision using the perimeter tool, area tool and rectangle area tool
- Pens: Useful for freehand highlighting and drawing. Customize each pen and highlighter to your preference.
- Redact: permanently remove visible text and graphics from a document
- Favorites: Build your toolbar with your favorite tools
Annotation Toolbar

Number | Name | Description |
6 | Annotation Toolbar | Displays types of annotations you can make in a document.
7 | Annotation Presets | A list of presets displayed at the bottom of the screen on mobile, on mobile landscape and tablet devices the presets appear to the right of the toolbar. Each option can be selected, changed and reused next time you open a document.
8 | Annotation Preset options | Displays styling options for annotations. Available for all annotation types except for Comment Note, Signature and ink. You can access this window by tapping the annotation button on the Annotation Toolbar. - Color: Change the color and background color of the annotation by tapping the color you want. You can add or delete color swatches by using the + and - buttons.
- Size/Thickness and Opacity: Use the top row to change your annotation size (for Text) or thickness (for Text Strikeout, Text Underline, and Ink). Use the bottom row to change your annotation opacity.
- Basic/Advanced: Use to change between basic and advanced options. Advanced options offer more options for color, size/thickness, and opacity.
File Management Options
You can manage your files and folders while on the
Browse Folders tab or the
Browse All PDFs tab.
Number | Name | Description |
9 | File Management Options | Search: Search for specific files or folders. View List: View files and folders in grid view, with thumbnail previews. Overflow: Access other menu options:
- Reload: Refresh view or search results
- Sort: Sort files and folders by name or by date modified.
- Filter: Filter which types of files are listed.
10 | Create | - Folder: Create a new folder.
- Blank PDF: Create a new blank PDF.
- PDF from Image: Create a new PDF from an image already on your device, or by taking a new photo.
- PDF from Document: Create a new PDF from a document (PDF or non-PDF) stored on your device.

You can access these options by long pressing on a file while on the
Folders tab or the
All Documents tab. You can also access these options by tapping the
Info icon

for the file.
Number | Name | Description |
11 | File Management Options | Rename: Change the name of the document. Duplicate: Create a copy of the document. Move: Move the document to another location on your device. Delete: Delete the document from your device. Overflow: Access other menu options:
- Add to Favorites: add the document or folder to the favorite list.
- Merge: merge this file with other files
- Share: Share the document through email, social media, or another app on your device.