The Unix installer is a convenient way to install our software on Unix-like operating systems (including some Linux distributions). However, it offers a more basic installation experience compared to our native installers for Windows, Mac, and most Linux distributions.

What features might not be available?

While the Unix installer provides the same core PDF editing functionality, some features might not be available due to its design. Here are the features not available when using the Unix installer:

  • Convert AutoCAD to PDF
  • Convert from MS Office (Word, Excel, PP)
  • Convert to MS Office (Word, Excel, PP)
  • Scanning features (Sane Direct, Sane Daemon)
  • OCR

What are the alternatives?

If the features mentioned above are crucial for your needs, consider these alternatives:

  • Linux OS - we recommend using the Linux (.sh) installer specifically designed for most Linux distributions. It offers a more complete installation experience with automatic configuration, desktop integration, and access to all features. 
  • Unix OS - While the Unix installer offers core PDF editing functionality, some features like file conversion, scanning, and OCR are unavailable. There are other software options available for Unix that can provide these missing features. You can then use those alongside the PDF editing tools in Studio. 

Still have questions?

If you're unsure about which installer to use or have questions about specific feature availability, feel free to contact our support team. They'll be happy to assist you!